Over a developmental period exceeding 30 years, etheric rain engineering has been utilized in numerous successful operations. Beginning with ponderous, fixed-base operations employing arrays of up to 150 water-grounded tubes, this art and science has continuously evolved. Advances have been both technical and theoretical. By the year 2002, the huge, static, water-grounded arrays have been replaced by a single, hollow tube of sensitive construction. These tubes are carried aboard helicopters or light aircraft, and do not employ chemicals, electric power, or electromagnetic radiation in any form. From inception until today, action has depended on tapping the latent, native power of the etheric continuum.

Effort has not been expended in reconciling this new technology with scientific conceptions and theories that exclude, a priori, the existence of the ether. On the contrary, every effort was made to keep this work independent from classical theories and notions already obsoleted by the practical results that have been obtained over the past three decades. Instead of seeking the approval and sanction of formal scientific sources, objective physical results were allowed to guide and discipline development. This unorthodox approach ruled out any drifting to mysticism. ONLY RESULTS COUNT is the motto that ruled.

Typical of the wide range of etheric engineering operations were the following, documented projects:

OPERATION KOOLER was carried out in September of 1971. A devastating, entrenched heatwave (106F) was crippling Los Angeles and Southern California. Electric power distribution was beginning to break down, schools were closing and wide popular distress grew worse as the crisis conditions continued without surcease. Contra-forecast, KOOLER brought regional temperatures down by 31 degrees Fahrenheit in less than three days, ending with light rain.

SYCAMORE CANYON FIRE 1977. A commercial rain engineering project was being carried out in July of 1977 for the Eastern Utah Cattlemen’s Association. Fixed-base weather engineering units were employed in both southern California and Utah, and the project was successfully concluding when a severe heat-wave hit southern California. This prompted the engineers to attempt a repetition of the highly successful KOOLER operation mentioned above. A diversion from the Operation Reviver format used for Utah, was accordingly filed telegraphically with the U.S. Federal authorities (NOAA). The relevant telegram survives to this day. Immediate adjustments were made in the desert-based equipment in California. The engineers were not aware, in driving to the desert base, that a ferocious fire had erupted in the Sycamore Canyon behind Santa Barbara city. Flames were being driven downhill by scorching, 55 knot winds. The flames had reached to within 800 yards of downtown in the beautiful city, which appeared lost. Then, at 12:45am, approximately 30 minutes after our engineers had completed aligning all equipment on the magnetic west vector out of Thousand Palms Oasis, the winds suddenly reversed, with a precipitous temperature drop from 90F to 71F. The fire was blown back up the hill, saving the city of Santa Barbara. The magnetic west vector out of Thousand Palms goes right through Santa Barbara. The fire was brought under control after this (unwitting) intervention of etheric weather engineering into a potentially disastrous situation.

HIGH SEAS OPERATIONS 1967-1992. These operations were carried out aboard ocean-going merchant ships of the U.S. Merchant Marine, in which Mr. Trevor James Constable served as a Radio Electronics Officer. His professional responsibilities included ship’s radar installations. For the first time, it became possible to operate etheric rain engineering equipment in a mobile format, in a pristine environment, and with the unrivaled documenting and observational properties of modern radars Progress was immediate, particularly in understanding the practical workings of the etheric continuum and its laws, in all kinds of climates and environments. . Permanent assignment in 1978 to the SS “Maui”, flagship of the Matson Navigation Company’s fleet, further stabilized these investigations of the maritime mobile format. Mr. Constable made more than 300 crossings of the eastern North Pacific before his retirement from the sea in 1992.

Numerous etheric rain engineering devices were designed, constructed and tested during this period. Only those designs that produced practical results were further developed. Rain was consistently engineered from SS “Maui” within major high pressure cells, some of them covering a million square miles. Results were comprehensively documented on time-lapse videotape. A commercially-released video, ETHERIC RAIN ENGINEERING ON THE HIGH SEAS, summarizes this pioneering work in the maritime mobile use of etheric rain engineering.

In the course of his 14-year tenure as Radio Electronics Officer of SS “Maui”, Mr. Constable conducted literally thousands of rain engineering experiments of all kinds. He brought down literally billions of tons of water on the earth with these explorations of nature’s great laws. The great majority of these experiments were objectively successful, and contributed to the development of an invaluable OPERATING ACUMEN.

OPERATION PINCER II, July 1986. An engineering drawing was filed in advance of this project with the U.S. Federal authorities (NOAA), detailing the procedure that would engineer rain into Los Angeles in July 1986. Los Angeles is ‘STATISTICALLY RAINLESS’ in July. Etheric rain engineering was being pitted against a century of weather records. PINCER II demonstrated the anomalous diversion – 240 miles out of its normal path into Arizona – of rain that made July 86 the wettest July in 100 years. The attendant, anomalous thunder and lightning storm left 300,000 Los Angeles residents without electric power. Entire operation was documented by US government radar fax maps and storm video.

OPERATION CLINCHER – Smog Dispersal, May-November 1990. Federally-filed in advance with NOAA, Clincher had as its announced target, a twenty percent SEASONAL REDUCTION of smog. This was to be across-the-board, for the huge four-county Air Quality Management District, the largest, filthiest smog region in America. This six month operation utilized 14 etheric vortex generators that had been technically developed aboard SS “Maui”. No chemicals, no electromagnetic radiation. Smog took the worst knock, in every category, since smog began. Reductions of over 60 percent in some of the worst areas. Zero smog in several. Overall seasonal smog reduction: 24 PERCENT. Comprehensively documented with AQMD statistical releases.

OPERATION TANGO, Singapore, July 1988. Dry season rain engineering. TANGO, like CLINCHER against Los Angeles smog, was sponsored and financed by a young Singapore entrepreneur, Mr. George K.C. Wuu – now the President and Chief Executive Officer of Etheric Rain Engineering Pte. Ltd. TANGO utilized a 46-foot Hatteras cabin cruiser offshore, coordinated with an Apache etheric vortex generator at Loyang, on Singapore Island. TANGO raised 30,000 square kilometers of rain over Singapore, Malaysia and northern Indonesia. TANGO was documented with Singapore government radar maps and mobile video. 

In addition to TANGO during this Singapore visit, Mr. Wuu and Mr. Constable carried out operational experiments with a speedboat and a rotating “Termite” device. These operations were extremely enlightening as to the special etheric properties of tropical weather.

OPERATION PIONEER – Melaka, Malaysia, 1991 Dry Season. Fixed base operations, with ancillary gun car operations on regional roads. PIONEER brought in 38 measurable rains in 57 dry season days, for a total of 327 mm. This is 75 percent of an entire year’s normal Melaka rainfall. Melaka is the driest state in mainland Malaysia. Government radar nevertheless documents unerringly that Melaka was FREQUENTLY THE ONLY STATE IN MALAYSIA GETTING RAIN during the entire period of PIONEER.

OPERATION RED BARON, Hawaii, 1994-96. – This was the initiating, pioneer series of airborne etheric rain engineering operations. Rain was successfully engineered from the air, using specially-designed “Bull” translators, right from the first flight made for this purpose. Conclusively established the power and efficiency of airborne rain engineering, as superior to any previous modality. Methods developed in 14 years of maritime mobile work aboard the SS “Maui” proved much more effective from an aircraft. Documented by video and via third party media reports. Incorporated in special demonstration video for government ministers and senior officials. Available from ERE Singapore on letterhead request.

OPERATION SEGAMAT, Malaysia, October 1997. AEREO – Airborne Etheric Rain Engineering Operations – proves effective in a series of exploratory operations in rural Malaysia. These rain flights exploited the advantages of isolated airstrips without traffic control. The program culminated in Segamat, in central Malaysia, where a lengthy dry spell had droughted the region. The Segamat Country Club had its own airstrip. On 14 October 1997, two short, successive rain engineering flights were scheduled, right off the runway directly to the east. Each flight was to be for no more than 20 minutes at minimum safe speed. The second flight had to be curtailed to 9 minutes because of imminent heavy weather. Eight hours of rain into droughted Segamat ensued, which extended some 60 km to the north and west. Documented with radar fax maps, video and photography. (See the 16-exposure photo recording of this operation at the head of this section)

OPERATION K.L., Malaysia, April 1998. The Kuala Lumpur region was in a four and a half months period of drought. Water rationing was in force. 28 hours after Mr. Constable set foot in Malaysia and made an immediate AEREO flight, the region was deluged. In the subsequent week, a helicopter was used for the first time in AEREO. Slower, controlled flights in the 40-60mph speed range, proved super-effective. Coordination of fixed-wing and helo AEREO flights successfully pioneered,. revealing a rich potential. Nocturnal rains were also engineered into Kuala Lumpur by means of a fixed-base P-gun installation on the hotel roof. These rains were accompanied by massive thunder and lightning, on the scale of a bombing attack. Entrenched drought in Kuala Lumpur was countered by natural means, without chemicals or radiation.

OPERATION PROFITA-People’s Republic of China. September 1999. Sponsored by a Hong Kong charitable foundation. Supervised by Mr. Chen Feng, President and CEO of Hainan Airlines, this was a demonstration operation. A single, 20 minute helicopter flight to the east, equipped with a single P-gun, produces rain over Hainan Island, contra-forecast and as promised, within 12 hours. Extensive rain resulted in the cancellation of the second demonstration flight, scheduled for the following day. It was still raining from the first pass. This was the first airborne etheric rain engineering operation ever conducted in the People’s Republic of China. Documented and presented in a brochure by PRC meteorologists and Hainan Airlines technicians.

These operations show the lengthy, varied operational history behind etheric rain engineering. Every modality successfully used remains valid in its way to this day. Technical progress, plus ever-increasing understanding of the etheric continuum and its laws, simply obsoleted the various translators devised in developing and refining this technology. Airborne etheric rain engineering stands as the salient success as we enter a new century, Etheric technology will shape the human future, in ways barely imaginable today.